Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Mental Health.

Why am I blogging? Firstly, I've always wanted to. Deep down we all want to share ourselves with others in a new way. Amaze them with our so called uniqueness. Sharing myself to whoever is reading is a position of vulnerability I haven't put myself in before. On top of that, anyone who knows me understands that I am not particularly tech savvy. For all I know I'm talking to myself... hello?

Now to the point- I'm at that time in my master's program where a creative release is necessary or I might go crazy. That's not really an exaggeration. Coming from an English lit/creative writing background, it has been a huge adjustment. There was a time I spent my weekday evenings sipping tea, Earl Grey of course, and pondering the meaning of Shakespeare's sonnets. Now I spend my time analyzing a student's phonological and phonemic awareness. Don't get me wrong, I am so excited that by next June I will be a certified teacher but a girl needs to take care of her "mental health." Anyone who has been through a master's program will know that this is no joke.

For now this blog will be a place for me to post poetry/prose I have written over the years (and recently) as well as share my reflections and ponderings about life. Hopefully it doesn't manifest into random ramblings, something I am notorious for. 

With love,

Helen Madhavi


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